Are you a parent, grandparent or guardian of a student part of the Early Childhood Center, Kid’s Connection, or DFMC Student Ministries or a child 0-18 years old?

We are here to help!
DFMC Family Ministries is here to help you get connected, grow your family’s relationship with God, and gain some resources.
Have questions or need help?

Parent Handbook      Volunteer Guidebook 

Contact our Family Ministries Pastor Emma Delacourt.

Join our Facebook groups!

Stay up to date on weekly gatherings, Sunday services, events, and any questions you might have.


Here you will find content to help you parent your children in what they need. Here you will find books, articles, guides and so many other resources to help better understand the things that your child is facing every day. If you are interested in one of these and need help attaining the resource, you can find our contact information above.
It's important to know what is going on in our kids lives, and we want to give you as much as we possibly can to help you raise your child with Jesus as the foundation. Click on the links below to access the resources

DFMC Parent Guide to Social Media, Apps, and Everything Else Teens Do

2. 12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid: Leading Your Kids to Succeed in Life Paperback by Tim Elmore
YouVersion Bible plan

3. Right Click: Parenting Your Teenager in a Digital Media World by Art Bamford, Brad Griffin, and Kara E. Powell

4. BibleAppforKids.com

5. Trust Us, They’ll Ask by Group Publishing

Type your new text here.

Type your new text here.

Type your new text here.


Youth services for grades 9 - 12 are held Sunday evenings from 6 - 7:30 pm .

Grades 5 - 8 meet on Wednesday evenings from 6 - 7:30 pm.

For more information, contact Pastor Lenny: lenny@dfmchurch.org

Whenever we leave the premises for an event, each student needs a permission and medical consent waiver form fill out.

Click here to download the form. The form can by typed or handwritten, but must be returned to Pastor Lenny before the event - it can be sent by email to him.

Check out the DFM Student Ministries Facebook
  or DFMC Student Ministries Instagram  for current events/activities.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.